Monday, December 10, 2007

Character and Boolean Expressions

The body of the for loop in the getstops function starts with a block of code that can appear cryptic at first sight (Figure 2.5:2). To understand it we need to dissect the expressions that comprise it. The first, the condition in the while loop, is comparing *cp (the character cp points to) against two characters: ´0´ and ´9´. Both comparisons must be true and both of them involve *cp combined with a different inequality operator and another expression. Such a test can often be better understood by rewriting the comparisons to bring the value being compared in the middle of the expression and to arrange the other two values in ascending order. This rewriting in our case would yield

while ( '\'0' <= *cp && *cp <= '9')

This can then be read as a simple range membership test for a character c.

0 c 9

Note that this test assumes that the digit characters are arranged sequentially in ascending order in the underlying character set. While this is true for the digits in all character sets we know, comparisons involving alphabetical characters may yield surprising results in a number of character sets and locales. Consider the following typical example.[31]

[31] netbsdsrc/games/hack/hack.objnam.c:352–253

if ('a' <= *s && *s <= 'z')
*s -= ( 'a' - 'A');

The code attempts to convert lowercase characters to uppercase by subtracting from each character found to be lowercase (as determined by the if test) the character set distance from ´a´ to ´A´. This fragment will fail to work when there are lowercase characters in character set positions outside the range a...z, when the character set range a...z contains non lowercase characters, and when the code of each lower case character is not a fixed distance away from the corresponding uppercase character. Many non-ASCII character sets exhibit at least one of these problems.

The next line in the block (Figure 2.5:2) can also appear daunting. It modifies the variable i based on the values of i and *cp and two constants: 10 and ´0´ while at the same time incrementing cp. The variable names are not especially meaningful, and the program author has not used macro or constant definitions to document the constants; we have to make the best of the information available.

We can often understand the meaning of an expression by applying it on sample data. In our case we can work based on the initial value of i (0) and assume that cp points to a string containing a number (for example, 24) based on our knowledge of the formatting specifications that expand accepts. We can then create a table containing the values of all variables and expression parts as each expression part is evaluated. We use the notation i' and *cp' to denote the variable value after the expression has been evaluated.




The expression*cp - '0' uses a common idiom: by subtracting the ordinal value of '0' from *cp the expression yields the integer value of the character digit pointed to by *cp. Based on the table we can now see a picture emerging: after the loop terminates, i will contain the decimal value of the numeric string pointed to by cp at the beginning of the loop.

Armed with the knowledge of what i stands for (the integer value of a tab-stop specification), we can now examine the lines that verify the specification. The expression that verifies i for reasonable values is straightforward. It is a Boolean expression based on the logical OR (||) of two other expressions. Although this particular expression reads naturally as English text (print an error message if i is either less than or equal to zero, or greater than 255), it is sometimes useful to transform Boolean expressions to a more readable form. If, for example, we wanted to translate the expression into the range membership expression we used above, we would need to substitute the logical OR with a logical AND (&&). This can easily be accomplished by using De Morgan's rules.[32]

[32] We use the operator <=> to denote that two expressions are equivalent. This is not a C/C++/C#/Java operator.

!(a || b) <=> !a && !b
!(a && b) <=> !a || !b

We can thus transform the testing code as follows:

i <= 0 || i > 256 <=>
!(!(i <= 0) && !(i > 256)) <=>
!(i > 0 && i <= 256) <=>
!(0 < i && i <= 256) <=>
¬(0 < i 256)+

In our example we find both the initial and final expressions equally readable; in other cases you may find that De Morgan's rules provide you a quick and easy way to disentangle a complicated logical expression.

When reading Boolean expressions, keep in mind that in many modern languages Boolean expressions are evaluated only to the extent needed. In a sequence of expressions joined with the && operator (a conjunction), the first expression to evaluate to false will terminate the evaluation of the whole expression yielding a false result. Similarly, in a sequence of expressions joined with the || operator (a disjunction), the first expression to evaluate to true will terminate the evaluation of the whole expression yielding a true result. Many expressions are written based on this short-circuit evaluation property and should be read in the same way. When reading a conjunction, you can always assume that the expressions on the left of the expression you are examining are true; when reading a disjunction, you can similarly assume that the expressions on the left of the expression you are examining are false. As an example, the expression in the following if statement will become true only when all its constituent elements are true, and t->type will be evaluated only when t is not NULL.[33]

[33] netbsdsrc/bin/ksh/main.c:606–607

if (t != NULL && t->type != TEOF && interactive && really–exit)
really–exit = 0;

Conversely, in the following example argv[1] will be checked for being NULL only if argv is not NULL .[34]

[34] netbsdsrc/lib/libedit/term.c:1212–1213

if (argv == NULL || argv[1] == NULL || argv[2] == NULL)
return -1;

In both cases, the first check guards against the subsequent dereference of a NULL pointer. Our getstops function also uses short-circuit evaluation when checking that a delimiter specified (i) is larger than the previous one (tabstops[nstops-1]) (Figure 2.5:4). This test will be performed only if at least one additional delimiter specification has been processed (nstops > 0). You can depend on the short-circuit evaluation property in most C-derived languages such as C++, Perl, and Java; on the other hand, Fortran, Pascal, and most Basic dialects will always evaluate all elements of a Boolean expression.

Exercise 2.20 Locate expressions containing questionable assumptions about character code values in the book's CD-ROM. Read about the Java Character class test and conversion methods such as isUpper and toLowerCase or the corresponding ctype family of C functions (isupper, tolower , and so on). Propose changes to make the code less dependent on the target architecture character set.

Exercise 2.21 Find, simplify, and reason about five nontrivial Boolean expressions in the source code base. Do not spend time on understanding what the expression elements mean; concentrate on the conditions that will make the expression become true or false. Where possible, identify and use the properties of short-circuit evaluation.

Exercise 2.22 Locate and reason about five nontrivial integer or character expressions in the source code base. Try to minimize the amount of code you need to comprehend in order to reason about each expression.

Figure 2.6 The goto statement used for a common error handler.
static int
if ((sigaction(SIGXCPU, &n_hand, &o_hand) < 0) &&
(o_hand.sa_handler == SIG_IGN) &&
(sigaction(SIGXCPU, &o_hand, &o_hand) < 0))
goto out;

n_hand.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
if ((sigaction(SIGPIPE, &n_hand, &o_hand) < 0) ||
(sigaction(SIGXFSZ, &n_hand, &o_hand) < 0))
goto out;


syswarn(1, errno, "Unable to set up signal handler");

Failure; exit with an error

Failure; exit with an error

Normal function exit (success)

Common error handling code

goto Statements
The code segment that complains about unreasonable tab specifications (Figure 2.5:3) begins with a word followed by a colon. This is a label: the target of a goto instruction. Labels and goto statements should immediately raise your defenses when reading code. They can be easily abused to create "spaghetti" code: code with a flow of control that is difficult to follow and figure out. Therefore, the designers of Java decided not to support the goto statement. Fortunately, most modern programs use the goto statement in a small number of specific circumstances that do not adversely affect the program's structure.

You will find goto often used to exit a program or a function after performing some actions (such as printing an error message or freeing allocated resources). In our example the exit(1) call at the end of the block will terminate the program, returning an error code (1) to the system shell. Therefore all goto statements leading to the bad label are simply a shortcut for terminating the program after printing the error message. In a similar manner, the listing in Figure 2.6[35] illustrates how a common error handler (Figure 2.6:4) is used as a common exit point in all places where an error is found (Figure 2.6:1, Figure 2.6:2). A normal exit route for the function, located before the error handler (Figure 2.6:3), ensures that the handler will not get called when no error occurs.

[35] netbsdsrc/bin/pax/pax.c:309–412

Figure 2.7 The use of goto to reexecute code.
if ((p = fgets(line, BUFSIZ, servf)) == NULL) <-- a
return (NULL);

if (*p == '#') <-- b
goto again;
cp = strpbrk(p, "#\n");
if (cp == NULL) <-- c
goto again;
*cp = '\0'; <-- d
return (&serv);

(a) Read a line; return on EOF

(b) Comment? Retry

(c) Incomplete line? Retry

(d) Complete entry

You will also find the goto statement often used to reexecute a portion of code, presumably after some variables have changed value or some processing has been performed. Although such a construct can often be coded by using a structured loop statement (for example, for (;;)) together with break and continue, in practice the coder's intent is sometimes better communicated by using goto. A single label, almost invariably named again or retry, is used as the goto target. The example in Figure 2.7,[36] which locates the entry of a specific service in the system's database while ignoring comments and overly large lines, is a typical case. (Interestingly, the code example also seems to contain a bug. If a partial line is read, it continues by reading the remainder as if it were a fresh line, so that if the tail of a long line happened to look like a service definition it would be used. Such oversights are common targets for computer security exploits.)

[36] netbsdsrc/lib/libc/net/getservent.c:65–104

Finally, you will find the goto statement used to change the flow of control in nested loop and switch statements instead of using break and continue, which affect only the control flow in the innermost loop. Sometimes goto is used even if the nesting level would allow the use of a break or continue statement. This is used in large, complex loops to clarify where the flow of control will go and to avoid the possibility of errors should a nested loop be added around a particular break or continue statement. In the example in Figure 2.8[37] the statement goto have–msg is used instead of break to exit the for loop.

[37] netbsdsrc/sys/dev/ic/ncr5380sbc.c:1575–1654

Exercise 2.23 Locate five instances of code that use the goto statement in the code base. Categorize its use (try to locate at least one instance for every one of the possible uses we outlined), and argue whether each particular goto could and should be replaced with a loop or other statement.

Figure 2.8 Exiting a loop using the goto statement.
<-- a
for (;;) {
if ((sc->sc_state & NCR_DROP_MSGIN) == 0) {
if (n >= NCR_MAX_MSG_LEN) {
ncr_sched_msgout(sc, SEND_REJECT);
sc->sc_state |= NCR_DROP_MSGIN;
} else {
if (n == 1 && IS1BYTEMSG(sc->sc_imess[0]))
goto have_msg; <-- b

have_msg: <-- c

(a) for loop

(b) Exit the for loop

(c) goto target

Exercise 2.24 The function getstops produces the same error message for a number of different errors. Describe how you could make its error reporting more user-friendly while at the same time eliminating the use of the goto statement. Discuss when such source code changes are appropriate and when they should be avoided.
Refactoring in the Small
The rest of the getstops code is relatively straightforward. After checking that each tab stop is greater than the previous one (Figure 2.5:4), the tab stop offset is stored in the tabstops array. After a single tab stop number has been converted into an integer (Figure 2.5:2), cp will point to the first nondigit character in the string (that is, the loop will process all digits and terminate at the first nondigit). At that point, a series of checks specified by if statements control the program's operation. If cp points to the end of the tab stop specification string (the character with the value 0, which signifies the end of a C string), then the loop will terminate (Figure 2.5:5). The last if (Figure 2.5:6) will check for invalid delimiters and terminate the program operation (using the goto bad statement) if one is found.

The body of each one of the if statements will transfer control somewhere else via a goto or break statement. Therefore, we can also read the sequence as:

if (*cp == 0)
else if (*cp != ',' && *cp != ' ')
goto bad;

This change highlights the fact that only one of the three statements will ever get executed and makes the code easier to read and reason about. If you have control over a body of code (that is, it is not supplied or maintained by an outside vendor or an open-source group), you can profit by reorganizing code sections to make them more readable. This improvement of the code's design after it has been written is termed refactoring. Start with small changes such as the one we outlined—you can find more than 70 types of refactoring changes described in the relevant literature. Modest changes add up and often expose larger possible improvements.

As a further example, consider the following one-line gem.[38]

[38] netbsdsrc/games/worms/worms.c:419

op = &(!x ? (!y ? upleft : (y == bottom ? lowleft : left)) :
(x == last ? (!y ? upright : (y == bottom ? lowright : right)) :
(!y ? upper : (y == bottom ? lower : normal))))[w->orientation];

The code makes excessive use of the conditional operator ?:. Read expressions using the conditional operator like if code. As an example, read the expression[39]

[39] netbsdsrc/bin/csh/set.c:852

sign ? -n : n

as follows:

"If sign is true, then the value of the expression is -n; otherwise, the value of the expression is n".

Since we read an expression like an if statement, we can also format it like an if statement; one that uses x ? instead of if (x), parentheses instead of curly braces, and : instead of else. To reformat the expression, we used the indenting features of our editor in conjunction with its ability to show matching parentheses. You can see the result in Figure 2.9 (left).

Reading the conditional expression in its expanded form is certainly easier, but there is still room for improvement. At this point we can discern that the x and y variables that control the expression evaluation are tested for three different values:

0 (expressed as !x or !y)

bottom or last

All other values

Figure 2.9. A conditional expression formatted like an if statement (left) and like cascading if–else statements (right). op = &(
!x ? (
!y ?
: (
y == bottom ?
) : (
x == last ? (
!y ?
: (
y == bottom ?
) : (
!y ?
: (
y == bottom ?
op = &(
!x ? (
!y ?
: ( y == bottom ?
) : ( x == last ? (
!y ?
: ( y == bottom ?
) : (
!y ?
: ( y == bottom ?

We can therefore rewrite the expression formatted as a series of cascading if–else statements (expressed using the ?: operator) to demonstrate this fact. You can see the result in Figure 2.9 (right).

The expression's intent now becomes clear: the programmer is selecting one of nine different location values based on the combined values of x and y. Both alternative formulations, however, visually emphasize the punctuation at the expense of the semantic content and use an inordinate amount of vertical space. Nevertheless, based on our newly acquired insight, we can create a two-dimensional array containing these location values and index it using offsets we derive from the x and y values. You can see the new result in Figure 2.10. Notice how in the initialization of the array named locations, we use a two-dimensional textual structure to illustrate the two-dimensional nature of the computation being performed. The initializers are laid out two-dimensionally in the program text, the array is indexed in the normally unconventional order [y][x], and the mapping is to integers "0, 2, 1" rather than the more obvious "0, 1, 2", so as to make the two-dimensional presentation coincide with the semantic meanings of the words upleft, upper, and so on.

Figure 2.10 Location detection code replacing the conditional expression.
struct options *locations[3][3] = {
<-- a
{upleft, upper, upright},
{left, normal, right},
{lowleft, lower, lowright},
int xlocation, ylocation; <-- b
<-- c
if (x == 0)
xlocation = 0;
else if (x == last)
xlocation = 2;
xlocation = 1;
<-- d
if (y == 0)
ylocation = 0;
else if (y == bottom)
ylocation = 2;
ylocation = 1;
op = &(locations[ylocation][xlocation])[w->orientation];

(a) Location map

(b) To store the x, y map offsets

(c) Determine x offset

(d) Determine y offset

The code, at 20 lines, is longer than the original one-liner but still shorter by 7 lines from the one-liner's readable cascading-else representation. In our eyes it appears more readable, self-documenting, and easier to verify. One could argue that the original version would execute faster than the new one. This is based on the fallacy that code readability and efficiency are somehow incompatible. There is no need to sacrifice code readability for efficiency. While it is true that efficient algorithms and certain optimizations can make the code more complicated and therefore more difficult to follow, this does not mean that making the code compact and unreadable will make it more efficient. On our system and compiler the initial and final versions of the code execute at exactly the same speed: 0.6 ms. Even if there were speed differences, the economics behind software maintenance costs, programmer salaries, and CPU performance most of the time favor code readability over efficiency.

However, even the code in Figure 2.10 can be considered a mixed blessing: it achieves its advantages at the expense of two distinct disadvantages. First, it separates the code into two chunks that, while shown together in Figure 2.10, would necessarily be separated in real code. Second, it introduces an extra encoding (0, 1, 2), so that understanding what the code is doing requires two mental steps rather than one (map "0, last, other" to "0, 2, 1" and then map a pair of "0, 2, 1" values to one of nine items). Could we somehow directly introduce the two-dimensional structure of our computation into the conditional code? The following code fragment[40] reverts to conditional expressions but has them carefully laid out to express the computation's intent.

[40] Suggested by Guy Steele.

op =
&( !y ? (!x ? upleft : x!=last ? upper : upright) :
y!=bottom ? (!x ? left : x!=last ? normal : right) :
(!x ? lowleft : x!=last ? lower : lowright)

The above formulation is a prime example on how sometimes creative code layout can be used to improve code readability. Note that the nine values are right-justified within their three columns, to make them stand out visually and to exploit the repetition of "left" and "right" in their names. Note also that the usual practice of putting spaces around operators is eschewed for the case of != in order to reduce the test expressions to single visual tokens, making the nine data values stand out more. Finally, the fact that the whole expression fits in five lines makes the vertical alignment of the first and last parentheses more effective, making it much easier to see that the basic structure of the entire statement is of the form

op = &( )[w->orientation];

The choice between the two new alternative representations is largely a matter of taste; however, we probably would not have come up with the second formulation without expressing the code in the initial, more verbose and explicit form.

The expression we rewrote was extremely large and obviously unreadable. Less extreme cases can also benefit from some rewriting. Often you can make an expression more readable by adding whitespace, by breaking it up into smaller parts by means of temporary variables, or by using parentheses to amplify the precedence of certain operators.

You do not always need to change the program structure to make it more readable. Often items that do not affect the program's operation (such as comments, the use of whitespace, and the choice of variable, function, and class names) can affect the program's readability. Consider the work we did to understand the code for the getstops function. A concise comment before the function definition would enhance the program's future readability.

* Parse and verify the tab stop specification pointed to by cp
* setting the global variables nstops and tabstops[].
* Exit the program with an error message on bad specifications.

When reading code under your control, make it a habit to add comments as needed.

In Sections 2.2 and 2.3 we explained how names and indentation can provide hints for understanding code functionality. Unfortunately, sometimes programmers choose unhelpful names and indent their programs inconsistently. You can improve the readability of poorly written code with better indentation and wise choice of variable names. These measures are extreme: apply them only when you have full responsibility and control over the source code, you are sure that your changes are a lot better than the original code, and you can revert to the original code if something goes wrong. Using a version management system such as the Revision Control System (RCS), the Source Code Control System (SCCS), the Concurrent Versions System (CVS), or Microsoft's Visual SourceSafe can help you control the code modifications. The adoption of a specific style for variable names and indentation can appear a tedious task. When modifying code that is part of a larger body to make it more readable, try to understand and follow the conventions of the rest of the code (see Chapter 7). Many organizations have a specific coding style; learn it and try to follow it. Otherwise, adopt one standard style (such as one of those used by the GNU[41] or BSD[42] groups) and use it consistently. When the code indentation is truly inconsistent and cannot be manually salvaged, a number of tools (such as indent) can help you automatically reindent it to make it more readable (see Section 10.7). Use such tools with care: the judicious use of whitespace allows programmers to provide visual clues that are beyond the abilities of automated formatting tools. Applying indent to the code example in Figure 2.10 would definitely make it less readable.


[42] netbsdsrc/share/misc/style:1–315

Keep in mind that although reindenting code may help readability, it also messes up the program's change history in the revision control system. For this reason it is probably best not to combine the reformatting with any actual changes to the program's logic. Do the reformat, check it in, and then make the other changes. In this way future code readers will be able to selectively retrieve and review your changes to the program's logic without getting overwhelmed by the global formatting changes. On the flip side of the coin, when you are examining a program revision history that spans a global reindentation exercise using the diff program, you can often avoid the noise introduced by the changed indentation levels by specifying the -w option to have diff ignore whitespace differences.

Exercise 2.25 Provide five examples from your environment or the book's CD-ROM where the code structure can be improved to make it more readable.

Exercise 2.26 You can find tens of intentionally unreadable C programs at the International Obfuscated C Code Contest Web site.[43] Most of them use several layers of obfuscation to hide their algorithms. See how gradual code changes can help you untangle their code. If you are not familiar with the C preprocessor, try to avoid programs with a large number of #define lines.


Exercise 2.27 Modify the position location code we examined to work on the mirror image of a board (interchange the right and left sides). Time yourself in modifying the original code and the final version listed in Figure 2.10. Do not look at the readable representations; if you find them useful, create them from scratch. Calculate the cost difference assuming current programmer salary rates (do not forget to add overheads). If the readable code runs at half the speed of the original code (it does not), calculate the cost of this slowdown by making reasonable assumptions concerning the number of times the code will get executed over the lifetime of a computer bought at a given price.

Exercise 2.28 If you are not familiar with a specific coding standard, locate one and adopt it. Verify local code against the coding standard.

while Loops, Conditions, and Blocks

We can now examine how options are processed. Although expand accepts only a single option, it uses the Unix library function getopt to process options. A summarized version of the Unix on-line documentation for the getopt function appears in Figure 2.4. Most development environments provide on-line documentation for library functions, classes, and methods. On Unix systems you can use the man command and on Windows the Microsoft Developer Network Library (MSDN),[13] while the Java API is documented in HTML format as part of the Sun JDK. Make it a habit to read the documentation of library elements you encounter; it will enhance both your code-reading and code-writing skills.


Figure 2.4. The getopt manual page.

Based on our understanding of getopt, we can now examine the relevant code (Figure 2.3:2). The option string passed to getopt allows for a single option -t, which is to be followed by an argument. getopt is used as a condition expression in a while statement. A while statement will repeatedly execute its body as long as the condition specified in the parentheses is true (in C/C++, if it evaluates to a value other than 0). In our case the condition for the while loop calls getopt, assigns its result to c, and compares it with -1, which is the value used to signify that all options have been processed. To perform these operations in a single expression, the code uses the fact that in the C language family assignment is performed by an operator (=), that is, assignment expressions have a value. The value of an assignment expression is the value stored in the left operand (the variable c in our case) after the assignment has taken place. Many programs will call a function, assign its return value to a variable, and compare the result against some special-case value in a single expression. The following typical example assigns the result of readLine to line and compares it against null (which signifies that the end of the stream was reached).[14]

[14] cocoon/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/programming/java/–112

if ((line = input.readLine()) == null) [...]
return errors;

It is imperative to enclose the assignment within parentheses, as is the case in the two examples we have examined. As the comparison operators typically used in conjunction with assignments bind more tightly than the assignment, the following expression

c = getopt (argc, argv, "t:") != -1

will evaluate as

c = (getopt (argc, argv, "t:") != -1)

thus assigning to c the result of comparing the return value of getopt against -1 rather than the getopt return value. In addition, the variable used for assigning the result of the function call should be able to hold both the normal function return values and any exceptional values indicating an error. Thus, typically, functions that return characters such as getopt and getc and also can return an error value such as -1 or EOF have their results stored in an integer variable, not a character variable, to hold the superset of all characters and the exceptional value (Figure 2.3:7). The following is another typical use of the same construct, which copies characters from the file stream pf to the file stream active until the pf end of file is reached.[15]

[15] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/m4/eval.c:601–602

while ((c = getc(pf)) != EOF)
putc(c, active);

The body of a while statement can be either a single statement or a block: one or more statements enclosed in braces. The same is true for all statements that control the program flow, namely, if, do, for, and switch. Programs typically indent lines to show the statements that form part of the control statement. However, the indentation is only a visual clue for the human program reader; if no braces are given, the control will affect only the single statement that follows the respective control statement, regardless of the indentation. As an example, the following code does not do what is suggested by its indentation.[16]

[16] netbsdsrc/usr.sbin/timed/timed/timed.c:564–568

for (ntp = nettab; ntp != NULL; ntp = ntp->next) {
if (ntp->status == MASTER)
ntp->status = NOMASTER;

The line ntp->status = NOMASTER; will be executed for every iteration of the for loop and not just when the if condition is true.

Exercise 2.9 Discover how the editor you are using can identify matching braces and parentheses. If it cannot, consider switching to another editor.

Exercise 2.10 The source code of expand contains some superfluous braces. Identify them. Examine all control structures that do not use braces and mark the statements that will get executed.

Exercise 2.11 Verify that the indentation of expand matches the control flow. Do the same for programs in your environment.

Exercise 2.12 The Perl language mandates the use of braces for all its control structures. Comment on how this affects the readability of Perl programs.
switch Statements
The normal return values of getopt are handled by a switch statement. You will find switch statements used when a number of discrete integer or character values are being processed. The code to handle each value is preceded by a case label. When the value of the expression in the switch statement matches the value of one of the case labels, the program will start to execute statements from that point onward. If none of the label values match the expression value and a default label exists, control will transfer to that point; otherwise, no code within the switch block will get executed. Note that additional labels encountered after transferring execution control to a label will not terminate the execution of statements within the switch block; to stop processing code within the switch block and continue with statements outside it, a break statement must be executed. You will often see this feature used to group case labels together, merging common code elements. In our case when getopt returns 't', the statements that handle -t are executed, with break causing a transfer of execution control immediately after the closing brace of the switch block (Figure 2.3:4). In addition, we can see that the code for the default switch label and the error return value ´?´ is common since the two corresponding labels are grouped together.

When the code for a given case or default label does not end with a statement that transfers control out of the switch block (such as break, return, or continue), the program will continue to execute the statements following the next label. When examining code, look out for this error. In rare cases the programmer might actually want this behavior. To alert maintainers to that fact, it is common to mark these places with a comment, such as FALLTHROUGH, as in the following example.[17]

[17] netbsdsrc/bin/ls/ls.c:173–178

case 'a':
fts_options |= FTS–SEEDOT;
case 'A':
f_listdot = 1;

The code above comes from the option processing of the Unix ls command, which lists files in a directory. The option -A will include in the list files starting with a dot (which are, by convention, hidden), while the option -a modifies this behavior by adding to the list the two directory entries. Programs that automatically verify source code against common errors, such as the Unix lint command, can use the FALLTHROUGH comment to suppress spurious warnings.

A switch statement lacking a default label will silently ignore unexpected values. Even when one knows that only a fixed set of values will be processed by a switch statement, it is good defensive programming practice to include a default label. Such a default label can catch programming errors that yield unexpected values and alert the program maintainer, as in the following example.[18]

[18] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/at/at.c:535–561

switch (program) {
case ATQ:
case BATCH:
writefile(time(NULL), 'b');
panic("Internal error");

In our case the switch statement can handle two getopt return values.

't' is returned to handle the -t option. Optind will point to the argument of -t. The processing is handled by calling the function getstops with the tab specification as its argument.

'?' is returned when an unknown option or another error is found by getopt. In that case the usage function will print program usage information and exit the program.

A switch statement is also used as part of the program's character-processing loop (Figure 2.3:7). Each character is examined and some characters (the tab, the newline, and the backspace) receive special processing.

Exercise 2.13 The code body of switch statements in the source code collection is formatted differently from the other statements. Express the formatting rule used, and explain its rationale.

Exercise 2.14 Examine the handling of unexpected values in switch statements in the programs you read. Propose changes to detect errors. Discuss how these changes will affect the robustness of programs in a production environment.

Exercise 2.15 Is there a tool or a compiler option in your environment for detecting missing break statements in switch code? Use it, and examine the results on some sample programs.
for Loops
To complete our understanding of how expand processes its command-line options, we now need to examine the getstops function. Although the role of its single cp argument is not obvious from its name, it becomes apparent when we examine how getstops is used. getstops is passed the argument of the -t option, which is a list of tab stops, for example, 4, 8, 16, 24. The strategies outlined for determining the roles of functions (Section 2.2) can also be employed for their arguments. Thus a pattern for reading code slowly emerges. Code reading involves many alternative strategies: bottom-up and top-down examination, the use of heuristics, and review of comments and external documentation should all be tried as the problem dictates.

After setting nstops to 0, getstops enters a for loop. Typically a for loop is specified by an expression to be evaluated before the loop starts, an expression to be evaluated before each iteration to determine if the loop body will be entered, and an expression to be evaluated after the execution of the loop body. for loops are often used to execute a body of code a specific number of times.[19]

[19] cocoon/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/util/

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

Loops of this type appear very frequently in programs; learn to read them as "execute the body of code len times." On the other hand, any deviation from this style, such as an initial value other than 0 or a comparison operator other than <, should alert you to carefully reason about the loop's behavior. Consider the number of times the loop body is executed in the following examples.

Loop extrknt + 1 times:[20]

[20] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/fsplit/fsplit.c:173

for (i = 0; i <= extrknt; i++)

Loop month - 1 times:[21]

[21] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/cal/cal.c:332

for (i = 1; i < month; i++)

Loop nargs times:[22]

[22] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/apply/apply.c:130

for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++)

Note that the last expression need not be an increment operator. The following line will loop 256 times, decrementing code in the process:[23]

[23] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/compress/zopen.c:510

for (code = 255; code >= 0; code--) {

In addition, you will find for statements used to loop over result sets returned by library functions. The following loop is performed for all files in the directory dir.[24]

[24] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/ftp/complete.c:193–198

if ((dd = opendir(dir)) == NULL)
return (CC_ERROR);
for (dp = readdir(dd); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dd)) {

The call to opendir returns a value that can be passed to readdir to sequentially access each directory entry of dir. When there are no more entries in the directory, readdir will return NULL and the loop will terminate.

The three parts of the for specification are expressions and not statements. Therefore, if more than one operation needs to be performed when the loop begins or at the end of each iteration, the expressions cannot be grouped together using braces. You will, however, often find expressions grouped together using the expression-sequencing comma (,) operator.[25]

[25] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/vi/vi/vs smap.c:389

for (cnt = 1, t = p; cnt <= cnt–orig; ++t, ++cnt) {

The value of two expressions joined with the comma operator is just the value of the second expression. In our case the expressions are evaluated only for their side effects: before the loop starts, cnt will be set to 1 and t to p, and after every loop iteration t and cnt will be incremented by one.

Any expression of a for statement can be omitted. When the second expression is missing, it is taken as true. Many programs use a statement of the form for (;;) to perform an "infinite" loop. Very seldom are such loops really infinite. The following example—taken out of init, the program that continuously loops, controlling all Unix processes—is an exception.[26]

[26] netbsdsrc/sbin/init/init.c:540–545

Figure 2.5 Expanding tab stops (supplementary functions).

static void
getstops(char *cp)
int i;

nstops = 0;
for (;;) {
i = 0;
while (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9')
i = i * 10 + *cp++ - '0';
if (i <= 0 || i > 256) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad tab stop spec\n");
if (nstops > 0 && i <= tabstops[nstops-1])
goto bad;
tabstops[nstops++] = i;
if (*cp == 0)
if (*cp != ',' && *cp != ' ')
goto bad;

static void
(void)fprintf (stderr, "usage: expand [-t tablist] [file ...]\n");

Parse tab stop specification

Convert string to number

Complain about unreasonable specifications

Verify ascending order

Break out of the loop

Verify valid delimiters

break will transfer control here

Print program usage and exit

for (;;) {
s = (state_t) (*s)();
quiet = 0;

In most cases an "infinite" loop is a way to express a loop whose exit condition(s) cannot be specified at its beginning or its end. These loops are typically exited either by a return statement that exits the function, a break statement that exits the loop body, or a call to exit or a similar function that exits the entire program. C++, C#, and Java programs can also exit such loops through an exception (see Section 5.2).

A quick look through the code of the loop in Figure 2.5 provides us with the possible exit routes.

A bad stop specification will cause the program to terminate with an error message (Figure 2.5:3).

The end of the tab specification string will break out of the loop.

Exercise 2.16 The for statement in the C language family is very flexible. Examine the source code provided to create a list of ten different uses.

Exercise 2.17 Express the examples in this section using while instead of for. Which of the two forms do you find more readable?

Exercise 2.18 Devise a style guideline specifying when while loops should be used in preference to for loops. Verify the guideline against representative examples from the book's CD-ROM.

Functions and Global Variables

The program expand processes the files named as its arguments (or its standard input if no file arguments are specified) by expanding hard tab characters(\t, ASCII character9) to a number of spaces. The default behavior is to set tab stops every eight characters; this can be overridden by a comma or space-separated numeric list specified using the -t option. An interesting aspect of the program's implementation, and the reason we are examining it, is that it uses all of the control flow statements available in the C family of languages. Figure 2.2 contains the variable and function declarations of expand,[10] Figure 2.3 contains the main code body,[11] and Figure 2.5 (in Section 2.5) contains the two supplementary functions used.[12]

[10] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/expand/expand.c:36–62

[11] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/expand/expand.c:64–151

[12] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/expand/expand.c:153–185

When examining a nontrivial program, it is useful to first identify its major constituent parts. In our case, these are the global variables (Figure 2.2:1) and the functions main (Figure 2.3), getstops (see Figure 2.5:1), and usage (see Figure 2.5:8).

The integer variable nstops and the array of integers tabstops are declared as global variables, outside the scope of function blocks. They are therefore visible to all functions in the file we are examining.

The three function declarations that follow (Figure 2.2:2) declare functions that will appear later within the file. Since some of these functions are used before they are defined, in C/C++ programs the declarations allow the compiler to verify the arguments passed to the function and their return values and generate correct corresponding code. When no forward declarations are given, the C compiler will make assumptions about the function return type and the arguments when the function is first used; C++ compilers will flag such cases as errors. If the following function definition does not match these assumptions, the compiler will issue a warning or error message. However, if the wrong declaration is supplied for a function defined in another file, the program may compile without a problem and fail at runtime.

Figure 2.2 Expanding tab stops (declarations).
<-- a

int nstops;
int tabstops[100];

static void getstops(char *);
int main(int, char *);
static void usage (void);

(a) Header files

Global variables

Forward function declarations

Notice how the two functions are declared as static while the variables are not. This means that the two functions are visible only within the file, while the variables are potentially visible to all files comprising the program. Since expand consists only of a single file, this distinction is not important in our case. Most linkers that combine compiled C files are rather primitive; variables that are visible to all program files (that is, not declared as static) can interact in surprising ways with variables with the same name defined in other files. It is therefore a good practice when inspecting code to ensure that all variables needed only in a single file are declared as static.

Let us now look at the functions comprising expand. To understand what a function (or method) is doing you can employ one of the following strategies.

Guess, based on the function name.

Read the comment at the beginning of the function.

Examine how the function is used.

Read the code in the function body.

Consult external program documentation.

In our case we can safely guess that the function usage will display program usage information and then exit; many command-line programs have a function with the same name and functionality. When you examine a large body of code, you will gradually pick up names and naming conventions for variables and functions. These will help you correctly guess what they do. However, you should always be prepared to revise your initial guesses following new evidence that your code reading will inevitably unravel. In addition, when modifying code based on guesswork, you should plan the process that will verify your initial hypotheses. This process can involve checks by the compiler, the introduction of assertions, or the execution of appropriate test cases.

Figure 2.3 Expanding tab stops (main part).
main(int argc, char *argv)
int c, column;
int n;

while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "t:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 't':
case '?': default: <-- a
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
do {

if (argc > 0) {
if (freopen(argv[0], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
argc--, argv++;

column = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
case '\t': <-- b
if (nstops == 0) {
do {
putchar(' ');
} while (column & 07);
if (nstops == 1) {
do {
putchar(' ');
} while (((column - 1) % tabstops[0]) != (tabstops[0] - 1));
for (n = 0; n < nstops; n++)
if (tabstops[n] > column)
if (n == nstops) {
putchar(' ');
while (column < tabstops[n]) {
putchar(' ');
case '\b': <-- c
if (column)
default: <-- d
case '\n': <-- e
column = 0;
} <-- f
} <-- g
} while (argc > 0);) <-- h

Variables local to main

Argument processing using getopt

Process the -t option

(a) Switch labels grouped together

End of switch block

At least once

(7) Process remaining arguments

Read characters until EOF

(b) Tab character

Process next character

(c) Backspace

(d) All other characters

(e) Newline

(f) End of switch block

(g) End of while block

(h) End of do block

The role of getstops is more difficult to understand. There is no comment, the code in the function body is not trivial, and its name can be interpreted in different ways. Noting that it is used in a single part of the program (Figure 2.3:3) can help us further. The program part where getstops is used is the part responsible for processing the program's options (Figure 2.3:2). We can therefore safely (and correctly in our case) assume that getstops will process the tab stop specification option. This form of gradual understanding is common when reading code; understanding one part of the code can make others fall into place. Based on this form of gradual understanding you can employ a strategy for understanding difficult code similar to the one often used to combine the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: start with the easy parts.

Exercise 2.7 Examine the visibility of functions and variables in programs in your environment. Can it be improved (made more conservative)?

Exercise 2.8 Pick some functions or methods from the book's CD-ROM or from your environment and determine their role using the strategies we outlined. Try to minimize the time you spend on each function or method. Order the strategies by their success

Basic Programming Elements

What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

—Werner Heisenberg

Code reading is in many cases a bottom-up activity. In this chapter we review the basic code elements that comprise programs and outline how to read and reason about them. In Section 2.1 we dissect a simple program to demonstrate the type of reasoning necessary for code reading. We will also have the first opportunity to identify common traps and pitfalls that we should watch for when reading or writing code, as well as idioms that can be useful for understanding its meaning. Sections 2.2 and onward build on our understanding by examining the functions, control structures, and expressions that make up a program. Again, we will reason about a specific program while at the same time examining the (common) control constructs of C, C++, Java, and Perl. Our first two complete examples are C programs mainly because realistic self-standing Java or C++ programs are orders of magnitude larger. However, most of the concepts and structures we introduce here apply to programs written in any of the languages derived from C such as C++, C#, Java, Perl, and PHP. We end this chapter with a section detailing how to reason about a program's flow of control at an abstract level, extracting semantic meaning out of its code elements.

2.1 A Complete Program
A very simple yet useful program available on Unix systems is echo, which prints its arguments on the standard output (typically the screen). It is often used to display information to the user as in:

echo "Cool! Let 's get to it..."

in the NetBSD upgrade script.[1] Figure 2.1 contains the complete source code of echo.[2]

[1] netbsdsrc/distrib/miniroot/

[2] netbsdsrc/bin/echo/echo.c:3–80

As you can see, more than half of the program code consists of legal and administrative information such as copyrights, licensing information, and program version identifiers. The provision of such information, together with a summary of the specific program or module functionality, is a common characteristic in large, organized systems. When reusing source code from open-source initiatives, pay attention to the licensing requirements imposed by the copyright notice (Figure 2.1:1).

C and C++ programs need to include header files (Figure 2.1:2) in order to correctly use library functions. The library documentation typically lists the header files needed for each function. The use of library functions without the proper header files often generates only warnings from the C compiler yet can cause programs to fail at runtime. Therefore, a part of your arsenal of code-reading procedures will be to run the code through the compiler looking for warning messages (see Section 10.6).

Standard C, C++, and Java programs begin their execution from the function (method in Java) called main (Figure 2.1:3). When examining a program for the first time main can be a good starting point. Keep in mind that some operating environments such as Microsoft Windows, Java applet and servlet hosts, palmtop PCs, and embedded systems may use another function as the program's entry point, for example, WinMain or init.

In C/C++ programs two arguments of the main function (customarily named argc and argv) are used to pass information from the operating system to the program about the specified command-line arguments. The argc variable contains the number of program arguments, while argv is an array of strings containing all the actual arguments (including the name of the program in position 0). The argv array is terminated with a NULL element, allowing two different ways to process arguments: either by counting based on argc or by going through argv and comparing each value against NULL. In Java programs you will find the argv String array and its length method used for the same purpose, while in Perl code the equivalent constructs you will see are the @ARGV array and the $#ARGV scalar.

Figure 2.1 The Unix echo program.

* Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley and its contributors.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.


<-- a
#ifndef lint
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993\n\
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n");

__RCSID("$NetBSD: echo.c,v 1.7 1997/07/20 06:07:03 thorpej Exp $");
#endif /* not lint */

#include <-- b
#include <-- c
#include <-- d

int main __P((int, char *[])); <-- e

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int nflag;
/* This utility may NOT do getopt(3) option parsing. */
if (*++argv && !strcmp(*argv, "-n") ) {
nflag = 1;
nflag = 0;

while (*argv) } <-- f
(void)printf("%s", *argv);
if (*++argv) <-- g
putchar(' '); <-- h
if (!nflag) <-- i
exit(0); <-- j

Comment (copyright and distribution license), ignored by the compiler. This license appears on most programs of this collection. It will not be shown again.

(a) Copyright and program version identifiers that will appear as strings in the executable program

Standard library headers for:

(b) printf

(c) exit

(d) strcmp

(e) Function declaration with macro to hide arguments for pre-ANSI compilers

The program starts with this function

Number of arguments to the program

The actual arguments (starting with the program name, terminated with NULL)

When true output will not be terminated with a newline

The first argument is -n

Skip the argument and set nflag

(f) There are arguments to process

Print the argument

(g) Is there a next argument? (Advance argv)

(h) Print the separating space

(i) Terminate output with newline unless -n was given

(j) Exit program indicating success

The declaration of argc and argv in our example (Figure 2.1:4) is somewhat unusual. The typical C/C++ definition of main is[3]

[3] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/elf2aout/elf2aout.c:72–73

main(int argc, char **argv)

while the corresponding Java class method definition is[4]

[4] jt4/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/startup/

public static void main(String args[]) {

The definition in Figure 2.1:4 is using the old-style (pre-ANSI C) syntax of C, also known as K&R C. You may come across such function definitions in older programs; keep in mind that there are subtle differences in the ways arguments are passed and the checks that a compiler will make depending on the style of the function definition.

When examining command-line programs you will find arguments processed by using either handcrafted code or, in POSIX environments, the getopt function. Java programs may be using the GNU gnu.getopt package[5] for the same purpose.


The standard definition of the echo command is not compatible with the getopt behavior; the single -n argument specifying that the output is not to be terminated with a newline is therefore processed by handcrafted code (Figure 2.1:6). The comparison starts by advancing argv to the first argument of echo (remember that position 0 contains the program name) and verifying that such an argument exists. Only then is strcmp called to compare the argument against -n. The sequence of a check to see if the argument is valid, followed by a use of that argument, combined with using the Boolean AND (&&) operator, is a common idiom. It works because the && operator will not evaluate its righthand side operand if its lefthand side evaluates to false. Calling strcmp or any other string function and passing it a NULL value instead of a pointer to actual character data will cause a program to crash in many operating environments.

Note the nonintuitive return value of strcmp when it is used for comparing two strings for equality. When the strings compare equal it returns 0, the C value of false. For this reason you will see that many C programs define a macro STREQ to return true when two strings compare equal, often optimizing the comparison by comparing the first two characters on the fly:[6]

[6] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/file/ascmagic.c:45

#define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)

Fortunately the behavior of the Java equals method results in a more intuitive reading:[7]

[7] jt4/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/startup/–143

if (isConfig) {
configFile = args[i];
isConfig = false;
} else if (args[i].equals("-config")) {
isConfig = true;
} else if (args[i].equals("-debug")) {
debug = true;
} else if (args[i].equals("-nonaming")) {

The above sequence also introduces an alternative way of formatting the indentation of cascading if statements to express a selection. Read a cascading if-else if-...-else sequence as a selection of mutually exclusive choices.

An important aspect of our if statement that checks for the -n flag is that nflag will always be assigned a value: 0 or 1. nflag is not given a value when it is defined (Figure 2.1:5). Therefore, until it gets assigned, its value is undefined: it is the number that happened to be in the memory place it was stored. Using uninitialized variables is a common cause of problems. When inspecting code, always check that all program control paths will correctly initialize variables before these are used. Some compilers may detect some of these errors, but you should not rely on it.

The part of the program that loops over all remaining arguments and prints them separated by a space character is relatively straightforward. A subtle pitfall is avoided by using printf with a string-formatting specification to print each argument (Figure 2.1:7). The printf function will always print its first argument, the format specification. You might therefore find a sequence that directly prints string variables through the format specification argument:[8]

[8] netbsdsrc/sys/arch/mvme68k/mvme68k/machdep.c:347


Printing arbitrary strings by passing them as the format specification to printf will produce incorrect results when these strings contain conversion specifications (for example, an SCCS revision control identifier containing the % character in the case above).

Even so, the use of printf and putchar is not entirely correct. Note how the return value of printf is cast to void. printf will return the number of characters that were actually printed; the cast to void is intended to inform us that this result is intentionally ignored. Similarly, putchar will return EOF if it fails to write the character. All output functions—in particular when the program's standard output is redirected to a file—can fail for a number of reasons.

The device where the output is stored can run out of free space.

The user's quota of space on the device can be exhausted.

The process may attempt to write a file that exceeds the process's or the system's maximum file size.

A hardware error can occur on the output device.

The file descriptor or stream associated with the standard output may not be valid for writing.

Not checking the result of output operations can cause a program to silently fail, losing output without any warning. Checking the result of each and every output operation can be inconvenient. A practical compromise you may encounter is to check for errors on the standard output stream before the program terminates. This can be done in Java programs by using the checkError method (we have yet to see this used in practice on the standard output stream; even some JDK programs will fail without an error when running out of space on their output device); in C++ programs by using a stream's fail, good, or bad methods; and in C code by using the ferror function:[9]

[9] netbsdsrc/bin/cat/cat.c:213–214

if (ferror(stdout))
err(1, "stdout");

After terminating its output with a newline, echo calls exit to terminate the program indicating success (0). You will also often find the same result obtained by returning 0 from the function main.

Exercise 2.1 Experiment to find out how your C, C++, and Java compilers deal with uninitialized variables. Outline your results and propose an inspection procedure for locating uninitialized variables.

Exercise 2.2 (Suggested by Dave Thomas.) Why can't the echo program use the getopt function?

Exercise 2.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of defining a macro like STREQ. Consider how the C compiler could optimize strcmp calls.

Exercise 2.4 Look in your environment or on the book's CD-ROM for programs that do not verify the result of library calls. Propose practical fixes.

Exercise 2.5 Sometimes executing a program can be a more expedient way to understand an aspect of its functionality than reading its source code. Devise a testing procedure or framework to examine how programs behave on write errors on their standard output. Try it on a number of character-based Java and C programs (such as the command-line version of your compiler) and report your results.

Exercise 2.6 Identify the header files that are needed for using the library functions sscanf, qsort, strchr, setjmp, adjacent–find, open, FormatMessage, and XtOwn- Selection. The last three functions are operating environment–specific and may not exist in your environment.

Read Code

1.1 Why and How to Read Code
You may find yourself reading code because you have to, such as when fixing, inspecting, or improving existing code. You may also sometimes read code to learn how something works, in the manner we engineers tend to examine the innards of anything with a cover that can be opened. You may read code to scavenge for material to reuse or (rarely, but more commonly after reading this book, we hope) purely for your own pleasure, as literature. Code reading for each one of these reasons has its own set of techniques, emphasizing different aspects of your skills.[1]

[1] I am indebted to Dave Thomas for suggesting this section.

1.1.1 Code as Literature
Dick Gabriel makes the point that ours is one of the few creative professions in which writers are not allowed to read each other's work [GG00].

The effect of ownership imperatives has caused there to be no body of software as literature. It is as if all writers had their own private companies and only people in the Melville company could read Moby-Dick and only those in Hemingway's could read The Sun Also Rises. Can you imagine developing a rich literature under these circumstances? Under such conditions, there could be neither a curriculum in literature nor a way of teaching writing. And we expect people to learn to program in this exact context?

Open-source software (OSS) has changed that: we now have access to millions of lines of code (of variable quality), which we can read, critique, and improve and from which we can learn. In fact, many of the social processes that have contributed to the success of mathematical theorems as a scientific communication vehicle apply to open-source software as well. Most open-source software programs have been

Documented, published, and reviewed in source code form

Discussed, internalized, generalized, and paraphrased

Used for solving real problems, often in conjunction with other programs

Make it a habit to spend time reading high-quality code that others have written. Just as reading high-quality prose will enrich your vocabulary, trigger your imagination, and expand your mind, examining the innards of a well-designed software system will teach you new architectural patterns, data structures, coding methods, algorithms, style and documentation conventions, application programming interfaces (APIs), or even a new computer language. Reading high-quality code is also likely to raise your standards regarding the code you produce.

In your code-reading adventures you will inevitably encounter code that should best be treated as an example of practices to avoid. Being able to rapidly differentiate good code from bad code is a valuable skill; exposure to some sound coding counterexamples may help you develop the skill. You can easily discern code of low quality by the following signs:

An inconsistent coding style

A gratuitously complicated or unreadable structure

Obvious logical errors or omissions

Overuse of nonportable constructs

Lack of maintenance

You should not, however, expect to learn sound programming from poorly written code; if you are reading code as literature, you are wasting your time, especially considering the amount of available high-quality code you can now access.

Ask yourself: Is the code I am reading really the best of breed? One of the advantages of the open-source movement is that successful software projects and ideas inspire competition to improve on their structure and functionality. We often have the luxury to see a second or third iteration over a software design; in most cases (but not always) the latter design is significantly improved over the earlier versions. A search on the Web with keywords based on the functionality you are looking for will easily guide you toward the competing implementations.

Read code selectively and with a goal in your mind. Are you trying to learn new patterns, a coding style, a way to satisfy some requirements? Alternatively, you may find yourself browsing code to pick up random gems. In that case, be ready to study in detail interesting parts you don't know: language features (even if you know a language in depth, modern languages evolve with new features), APIs, algorithms, data structures, architectures, and design patterns.

Notice and appreciate the code's particular nonfunctional requirements that might give rise to a specific implementation style. Requirements for portability, time or space efficiency, readability, or even obfuscation can result in code with very peculiar characteristics.

We have seen code using six-letter external identifiers to remain portable with old-generation linkers.

There are efficient algorithms that have (in terms of source code lines) an implementation that is two orders of magnitude more complex than their naive counterparts.

Code for embedded or restricted-space applications (consider the various GNU/Linux or FreeBSD on-a-floppy distributions) can go to great lengths to save a few bytes of space.

Code written to demonstrate the functioning of an algorithm may use identifiers that may be impractically long.

Some application domains, like copy-protection schemes, may require code to be unreadable, in an (often vain) attempt to hinder reverse engineering efforts.

When you read code that falls in the above categories, keep in mind the specific nonfunctional requirements to see how your colleague satisfied them.

Sometimes you may find yourself reading code from an environment completely foreign to you (computer language, operating system, or API). Given a basic familiarity with programming and the underlying computer science concepts, you can in many cases use source code as a way to teach yourself the basics of the new environment. However, start your reading with small programs; do not immediately dive into the study of a large system. Build the programs you study and run them. This will provide you with both immediate feedback on the way the code is supposed to work and a sense of achievement. The next step involves actively changing the code to test your understanding. Again, begin with small changes and gradually increase their scope. Your active involvement with real code can quickly teach you the basics of the new environment. Once you think you have mastered them, consider investing some effort (and possibly some cash) to learn the environment in a more structured way. Read related books, documentation, or manual pages, or attend training courses; the two methods of learning complement each other.

One other way in which you can actively read existing code as literature entails improving it. In contrast to other literal works, software code is a live artifact that is constantly improved. If the code is valuable to you or your community, think about how you could improve it. This can involve using a better design or algorithm, documenting some code parts, or adding functionality. Open-source code is often not well documented; consider reinvesting your understanding of the code in improved documentation. When working on existing code, coordinate your efforts with the authors or maintainers to avoid duplication of work or bad feelings. If your changes are likely to be substantial, think about becoming a concurrent versions system (CVS) committer—an individual with the authority to directly commit code to a project's source base. Consider the benefits you receive from open-source software to be a loan; look for ways to repay it by contributing back to the open-source community.

1.1.2 Code as Exemplar
There are cases where you might find yourself wondering how a specific functionality is realized. For some application classes you may be able to find an answer to your questions in standard textbooks or specialized publications and research articles. However, in many cases if you want to know "how'd they do that" there's no better way than reading the code. Code reading is also likely to be the most reliable way to create software compatible with a given implementation.

The key concept when you are using code as exemplar is to be flexible. Be prepared to use a number of different strategies and approaches to understand how the code works. Start with any documentation you might find (see Chapter 8). A formal software design document would be ideal, but even user documentation can be helpful. Actually use the system to get a feeling of its external interfaces. Understand what exactly are you actually looking for: a system call, an algorithm, a code sequence, an architecture? Devise a strategy that will uncover your target. Different search strategies are effective for different purposes. You may need to trace through the instruction execution sequence, run the program and place a breakpoint in a strategic location, or textually search through the code to find some specific code or data elements. Tools (see Chapter 10) will help you here, but do not let one of them monopolize your attention. If a strategy does not quickly produce the results you want, drop it and try something different. Remember, the code you are looking for is there; you just have to locate it.

Once you locate the desired code, study it, ignoring irrelevant elements. This is a skill you will have to learn. Many exercises in this book will ask you to perform exactly this task. If you find it difficult to understand the code in its original context, copy it into a temporary file and remove all irrelevant parts. The formal name of this procedure is slicing (see Section 9.1.6), but you can get the idea by examining how we have informally applied it in the book's annotated code examples.

1.1.3 Maintenance
In other cases code, rather than being an exemplar, may actually need fixing. If you think you have found a bug in a large system, you need strategies and tactics to let you read the code at increasing levels of detail until you have found the problem. The key concept in this case is to use tools. Use the debugger, the compiler's warnings or symbolic code output, a system call tracer, your database's Structured Query Language (SQL) logging facility, packet dump tools, and Windows message spy programs to locate a bug's location. (Read more in Chapter 10 about how tools will help your code reading.) Examine the code from the problem manifestation to the problem source. Do not follow unrelated paths. Compile the program with debugging support and use the debugger's stack trace facility, single stepping, and data and code breakpoints to narrow down your search.

If the debugger is not cooperating (the debugging of programs that run in the background such as daemons and Windows services, C++ template-based code, servlets, and multithreaded code is sometimes notoriously difficult), consider adding print statements in strategic locations of the program's execution path. When examining Java code consider using AspectJ to insert into the program code elements that will execute only under specific circumstances. If the problem has to do with operating system interfaces, a system call tracing facility will often guide you very near the problem.

1.1.4 Evolution
In most situations (more than 80% of your time by some measurements) you will be reading code not to repair a fault but to add new functionality, modify its existing features, adapt it to new environments and requirements, or refactor it to enhance its nonfunctional qualities. The key concept in these cases is to be selective in the extent of the code you are examining; in most situations you will actually have to understand a very small percentage of the overall system's implementation. You can in practice modify a million-line system (such as a typical kernel or window system) by selectively understanding and changing one or two files; the exhilarating feeling that follows the success of such an operation is something I urge you to strive to experience. The strategy for selectively dealing with parts of a large system is outlined below.

Locate the code parts that interest you.

Understand the specific parts in isolation.

Infer the code excerpt's relationship with the rest of the code.

When adding new functionality to a system your first task is to find the implementation of a similar feature to use as a template for the one you will be implementing. Similarly, when modifying an existing feature you first need to locate the underlying code. To go from a feature's functional specification to the code implementation, follow the string messages, or search the code using keywords. As an example, to locate the user authentication code of the ftp command you would search the code for the Password string:[2]

[2] netbsdsrc/usr.bin/ftp/util.c:265–267

if (pass == NULL)
pass = getpass("Password:");
n = command("PASS %s", pass);

Once you have located the feature, study its implementation (following any code parts you consider relevant), design the new feature or addition, and locate its impact area—the other code parts that will interact with your new code. In most cases, these are the only code parts you will need to thoroughly understand.

Adapting code to new environments is a different task calling for another set of strategies. There are cases where the two environments offer similar capabilities: you may be porting code from Sun Solaris to GNU/Linux or from a Unix system to Microsoft Windows. In these situations the compiler can be your most valuable friend. Right from the beginning, assume you have finished the task and attempt to compile the system. Methodically modify the code as directed by compilation and linking errors until you end with a clean build cycle, then verify the system's functionality. You will find that this approach dramatically lessens the amount of code you will need to read. You can follow a similar strategy after you modify the interface of a function, class, template, or data structure. In many cases, instead of manually locating your change's impact, you follow the compiler's error or warning messages to locate the trouble spots. Fixes to those areas will often generate new errors; through this process the compiler will uncover for you the code location influenced by your code.

When the code's new environment is completely different from the old one (for example, as is the case when you are porting a command-line tool to a graphical windowing environment) you will have to follow a different approach. Here your only hope for minimizing your code-reading efforts is to focus at the point where the interfaces between the old code and the new environment will differ. In the example we outlined, this would mean concentrating on the user interaction code and completely ignoring all the system's algorithmic aspects.

A completely different class of code evolution changes concerns refactoring. These changes are becoming increasingly important as some types of development efforts adopt extreme programming and agile programming methodologies. Refactoring involves a change to the system that leaves its static external behavior unchanged but enhances some of its nonfunctional qualities, such as its simplicity, flexibility, understandability, or performance. Refactoring has a common attribute with cosmetic surgery. When refactoring you start with a working system and you want to ensure that you will end up with a working one. A suite of pertinent test cases will help you satisfy this obligation, so you should start by writing them. One type of refactoring concerns fixing a known trouble spot. Here you have to understand the old code part (which is what this book is about), design the new implementation, study its impact on the code that interfaces with your code (in many cases the new code will be a drop-in replacement), and realize the change.

A different type of refactoring involves spending some "quality time" with your software system, actively looking for code that can be improved. This is one of the few cases where you will need an overall picture of the system's design and architecture; refactoring in-the-large is likely to deliver more benefits than refactoring in-the-small. Chapter 6 discusses ways to untangle large systems, while Chapter 9 outlines how to move from code to the system's architecture. When reading code to search for refactoring opportunities, you can maximize your return on investment by starting from the system's architecture and moving downward to look at increasing levels of detail.

1.1.5 Reuse
You might also find yourself reading code to look for elements to reuse. The key concept here is to limit your expectations. Code reusability is a tempting but elusive concept; limit your expectations and you will not be disappointed. It is very hard to write reusable code. Over the years comparatively little software has survived the test of time and been reused in multiple and different situations. Software parts will typically become reuse candidates after they have been gracefully extended and iteratively adapted to work on two or three different systems; this is seldom the case in ad-hoc developed software. In fact, according to the COCOMO II software cost model [BCH+95], crafting reusable software can add as much as 50% to the development effort.

When looking for code to reuse in a specific problem you are facing, first isolate the code that will solve your problem. A keyword-based search through the system's code will in most cases guide you to the implementation. If the code you want to reuse is intractable, difficult to understand and isolate, look at larger granularity packages or different code. As an example, instead of fighting to understand the intricate relation of a code piece with its surrounding elements, consider using the whole library, component, process, or even system where the code resides.

One other reuse activity involves proactively examining code to mine reusable nuggets. Here your best bet is to look for code that is already reused, probably within the system you are examining. Positive signs indicating reusable code include the use of a suitable packaging method (see Section 9.3) or a configuration mechanism.

1.1.6 Inspections
Finally, in some work settings, the task of code reading may be part of your job description. A number of software development methodologies use technical reviews such as walkthroughs, inspections, round-robin reviews, and other types of technical assessments as an integral part of the development process. Moreover, when practicing pair programming while applying the extreme programming methodology you will often find yourself reading code as your partner writes it. Code reading under these circumstances requires a different level of understanding, appreciation, and alertness. Here you need to be thorough. Examine code to uncover errors in function and logic. The various elements we have marked in the margin as dangerous (see the icon at left) are some of the things you should be wary of. In addition, you should be ready to discuss things you fail to see; verify that the code meets all its requirements.

Nonfunctional issues of the code should absorb an equal part of your attention. Does the code fit with your organization's development standards and style guides? Is there an opportunity to refactor? Can a part be coded more readably or more efficiently? Can some elements reuse an existing library or component? While reviewing a software system, keep in mind that it consists of more elements than executable statements. Examine the file and directory structure, the build and configuration process, the user interface, and the system's documentation.

Software inspections and related activities involve a lot of human interaction. Use software reviews as a chance to learn, teach, lend a hand, and receive assistance.